Areas of Your Home That Need Regular Inspections

As a homeowner, you may know that regular inspections of your property are important to ensure everything is in good working order and to catch any potential issues before they become major problems. Beyond typical annual maintenance tasks such as cleaning gutters, there are specific areas of your home that require regular inspections. We’ll discuss those areas and why they are important to keep an eye on.

Roof and Gutters

Your roof and gutters play important roles in protecting your home from water damage. Regular inspections of your roof can help you identify any missing shingles, cracks, or other damage that can lead to leaks. Additionally, clogged or damaged gutters can cause water to accumulate around your foundation, potentially leading to costly structural issues. Inspect your gutters at least twice a year and after major storms to ensure they are free from debris and functioning properly.

Plumbing and Backflow Prevention Systems

Your plumbing system is an integral part of your home, but because it’s not as visible as other systems in your home, damages can often fly under the radar. From hidden leaks to outdated backflow prevention systems, there are many potential issues that require regular inspections. Leaks or clogs can lead to water damage, mold growth, and even structural issues if left unaddressed. Additionally, many localities require professional testing of backflow prevention systems to ensure contaminated water does not flow back into the main water supply. Be sure to schedule regular inspections and maintenance with a licensed plumber to keep your home’s plumbing system in top shape.

HVAC Units

Your HVAC system is largely responsible for keeping your home comfortable year-round, but it also requires regular inspections to maintain its efficiency. Dirty filters and coils can cause your system to work harder than it should, leading to higher energy bills and potential system failure. Regular inspections and maintenance, such as cleaning coils and changing filters, can help keep your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently. Additionally, having your system inspected by a licensed HVAC technician before the start of each season can help catch any potential issues before they become major problems.

Fire Safety Equipment

Having working fire safety equipment in your home can be the difference between life and death in the event of a fire. Of the several areas in your home that require regular inspections, this is perhaps the most important. Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers are essential for keeping your family safe.

Regular inspections are necessary to ensure these devices function properly. You should test smoke detectors monthly and replace their batteries at least once a year. Also, get fire extinguishers inspected monthly to ensure they are easily accessible and haven’t been damaged or discharged. Lastly, test your carbon monoxide detectors once per month as well, and replace them every five to seven years. By regularly inspecting and maintaining your fire safety equipment, you can help protect your family and ensure you are prepared in the event of an emergency.