Car Safety and Security: 4 Upgrades To Consider

Drivers can never overlook the importance of safety and security for their vehicles. Even new vehicles aren’t impenetrable to thieves, so there are many safety and security upgrades car owners should consider. Below, we explore some helpful anti-theft upgrades and devices that can help drivers keep their vehicles safe.

Steering Wheel Lock

For drivers worried about their vehicles’ security and safety, the best, most affordable, and perhaps the most effective anti-theft device is a simple steering wheel lock. These have been around for over a century, and good reason—they work!

Steering wheel locks are easy to install and effective. Thieves who notice a car with a steering wheel lock will walk right past it, as they know how difficult they are to deal with. Plus, having a steering wheel lock can even reduce your insurance premiums, saving you money!

GPS Tracker

Another effective car safety and security upgrade to consider for drivers is a GPS tracker. A simple GPS tracker provides real-time data of your car’s location, so even if someone steals it, you can see where it is on your smartphone to help recover it.

Some trackers will even notify the driver if their car starts without the owner nearby. Those with Bluetooth driver detection won’t let the car start without the owner nearby. If you always want to watch your car, a simple GPS tracker is the way to go.

Lug-Nut Locks

Car owners shouldn’t overlook wheel safety and security when upgrading their vehicles. Wheels and tires are valuable loot for thieves. Therefore, a helpful wheel security tip to prevent theft and damage is to install some lug-nut locks.

As the name suggests, a lug-nut lock is a set of locks that go over your vehicle’s lug nuts. These simple, impenetrable locks make it impossible for anyone except the car owner to unscrew the lug nuts and remove the wheels. They’re also cheap, and drivers can purchase them at practically any tire store.

Catalytic Converter Shield

The catalytic converter is the other valuable component your car thieves want to remove and sell. The last thing any driver wants is to start up their car one day and realize its converter is missing. Fortunately, there are ways to add protection.

Drivers can install a shield or lock on their catalytic converter to greatly hinder its accessibility to thieves. These security devices require a professional mechanic, but they’re worthwhile investments if you’re worried about your converter’s security.

With these simple but effective anti-theft upgrades and devices, you’ll rest easy knowing that your vehicle has protection against thieves.